The intensity of the time that fathers spend with their children and the relationship they establish in this process
strengthens the development of their social and emotional capacities as well as their mental and physical development.
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Father Support Program

The time children spend with their fathers and the father-child bond greatly influence children’s mental, physical, social and emotional development and capacity

51 Cities

4599 Education Programs

58.506 Fathers
Yet, our 2017 research study on fatherhood revealed that 91% of fathers in Turkey consider mothers to be responsible for child care; 51% have never taken their children to the bathroom; 36% have never changed diapers and 35% have never trimmed their children’s nails.
AÇEV has implemented its Father Support Program (FSP) since 1996 to support fathers in assuming responsibility in child care, building democratic relationships with their children and actively contributing to their children’s development. With the FSP, we reached more than 60,000 fathers in 21 years.
The FSP targets literate fathers of all education levels who have 3 to 11 year-old children. The FSP aims to raise fathers’ awareness on the kind of support they can provide for their children’s healthy development, empowering fathers with knowledge on child development and parenting. We implement this program with a vision of more democratic behaviors in families with fathers spending more time and building a healthier communication with their children; being more knowledgeable on their children’s needs, and transforming their behaviors into being more violence-free.