Mothers Reporting: The Mother – Child Education Program in Five Countries
Sevda Bekman, Aylin Atmaca Koçak
The aim of the research was to learn about the experiences of mothers regarding the Mother-Child Education Program from their perspective. Short and long-term quantitative evaluations of MOCEP’s first and modified versions had been carried out. These evaluations focused on the outcomes (Bekman, 2003; 2004; Ka¤›tç›bafl› et al., 2001; Ka¤›tç›bafl› et al., 2009). There was only one qualitative study carried out with a group in ‹stanbul (Koçak & Bekman, 2004). The need to do a study that would focus on the process paved the way for this research. In addition, MOCEP has been implemented abroad since 1998 and no evaluations of these implementations had been done.
MOCEF: Mother-Child Education Foundation, CEP: Cognitive Education Program, ECE: Early Childhood Education, Sw: Switzerland, Bah: Bahrain, MOCEP: Mother-Child Education Program, MSP: Mother Support Program, Tur: Turkey, Bel: Belgium, Sar: Saudi Arabia
Bekman, S., & Atmaca Koçak, A. (2009). Mothers reporting: The Mother-Child Education Program in five countries. Istanbul: Mother Child Education Foundation.